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Monday, October 27, 2014


Just a quick update to show that I am still alive and kicking!

From time to time I try to go back to my hobby, but I am still not always in the right frame of mind after the loss of my husband.  However, something is pulling me in the right direction... :-)

After a bit of work on my dollshouse I wanted to go back to my florist and do some work on the upstairs floor.  The workbench needed a few drawers or something to hold tools and stuff, so I decided to go for baskets.

As the walls, and therefore the workbench, are not square it takes a bit of extra work, but in reality it is not too difficult.  The baskets I am making of balsa (bottom) and paper (woven part).  It is a very simple procedure albeit time consuming, but that's miniatures for you.

I haven't finished the work yet, but wanted to show a few pictures of what I am doing at present.  The blue basket on the bench is a finished product that I made some time ago. It's also made of paper.

An update will follow when I have finished the baskets.  Till then.